主辦方: 泰科博思科技有限公司
廠商: 北京泰科博思科技有限公司
開始時間: 2023-12-22 16:00:00 已結束
結束時間: 2023-12-22 17:30:00
地址: 直播
收藏 閱讀 5
Chris-Kriton Skylaris
Jacek Dziedzic
Arihant Bhandari
Arash Mostofi
時間:12月12日? 周二? 16:00-17:30?
在這次演講活動中,我們將介紹ONETEP代碼的概述,特別是我們最近的進展。這些包括混合交換相關泛函以及在溶劑和電解質模型 [2]下進行原子尺度電化學模擬的工具,以及一種通過計算參考電極的固定電壓的巨正則方法[3-4]。我們還將介紹最近的應用,例如用于選擇性加氫的金屬純凈和碳化納米顆粒催化劑的模擬,以及確定用于鋰金屬在陽極上沉積的過勢和位點,這是Li離子電池退化的常見機制 [5]。
[1].The ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory program. J. C. A. Prentice, J. Aarons, J. C. Womack, A. E. A. Allen, L. Andrinopoulos, L. Anton, R. A. Bell, A. Bhandari, G. A. Bramley, R. J. Charlton, R. J. Clements, D. J. Cole, G. Constantinescu, F. Corsetti, S. M.-M. Dubois, K. K. B. Duff, J. M. Escarti?n, A. Greco, Q. Hill, L. P. Lee, E. Linscott, D. D. O’Regan, M. J. S. Phipps, L. E. Ratcliff, A?. R. Serrano, E. W. Tait, G. Teobaldi, V. Vitale, N. Yeung, T. J. Zuehlsdorff, J. Dziedzic, P. D. Haynes, N. D. M. Hine, A. A. Mostofi, M. C. Payne, and C.-K. Skylaris. J. Chem. Phys. 152 (2020) 174111.
[2].Practical Approach to Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculations in Electrolyte Solutions via Continuum-Embedded Linear-Scaling Density Functional Theory. J. Dziedzic, A. Bhandari, L. Anton, C. Peng, J. C. Womack, M. Famili, D. Kramer, and C.-K. Skylaris. J. Phys. Chem. C.?124?(2020)?7860-7872.
[3].Electronic structure calculations in electrolyte solutions: Methods for neutralization of extended charged interfaces.?A. Bhandari, L. Anton,?J. Dziedzic, C. Peng, D. Kramer, and C.-K. Skylaris. J. Chem. Phys.?153?(2020) 124101.
[4].Electrochemistry from first-principles in the grand canonical ensemble.?A. Bhandari, C. Peng, J. Dziedzic,?L. Anton,?J. R. Owen,?D. Kramer, and C.-K. Skylaris. J. Chem. Phys?155(2021)024114.
[5].Mechanism of Li nucleation at graphite anodes and mitigation strategies. C. Peng, A. Bhandari, J. Dziedzic, J. R. Owen, C.-K. Skylaris, and D. Kramer.? J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021,9, 16798; Li nucleation on the graphite anode under potential control in Li-ion batteries. A. Bhandari, C. Peng, J. Dziedzic, J.R. Owen, D. Kramer, C.-K. Skylaris,?J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022,10, 11426.